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Some emojis can be written in chat.
You can find all emojis by typing /emojis in chat.

List of emojis

Emoji nameEmoji icon
:chest: or


  • When the winter period is on in Boring Man, the :chest: emoji displays as a gift.
  • When an emoji is placed in middle of a text, a space needs be present before and after it otherwise it won’t be shown.
  • All emojis can be modded:
    • Most of the emojis are named spr_emoji_<emoji_name>.
    • The :heart: emoji uses the spr_effect_heart sprite.
    • The :medic: emoji uses the spr_healing sprite.
    • The :pineapple: emoji uses the spr_nade_pineapple sprite.
  • There is an emoji for :zog: in the sprites but it can’t be used.