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Chat bindings

How to enable chat bindings

  1. In the menu, click on Options > Controls > Key Bindings > Chat Bind and set your chat bind.
  2. Restart the game.
  3. Press your set chat bind with letters to activate the bindings. See the default bindings section.

How to change the bindings

  1. Go to the folder where the local files are saved.
  2. Modify chat.txt.


  1. Open the “Run” dialog box by pressing Windows + R.
  2. Type %localappdata%\BoringManRewrite
  3. Open and modify chat.txt. If the file does not exist, create it.


// FIXME: linux chat bindings location


Default chat bindings


You can include emotes in bindings.
The list of emotes is:

Other commands
Commands can also be written in chat bindings.

  • /kill

  • /clear

  • /help

  • /emojis You can also bind console commands such as:

  • /command say "Hello world!"

  • /command endmatch

  • /command pause


You can set emojis in bindings. See the list of emojis.

Bindings for team chat only

Prefix your binding by ^ to make it visible only by your team:

  • ^MEDIC!
  • ^Do it! Just do it!
  • ^Saved my life there! Thanks! :heart:

Spamming bindings in chat will result in muting you for a few seconds.