Boring Man - OTSC Wiki
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Boring Man - OTSC Wiki

What’s this?

This is yet another wiki for Boring Man - OTSC.

Other known wikis

How to contribute

The files are using markdown with custom elements from the hugo-geekdocs theme. You can find the theme’s documentation here.

Via GitHub

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Add, edit or remove markdown files in the content/ folder via GitHub website.
  3. Commit the changes.
  4. Open a pull request explaining what are the changes.
  5. Once it is approved, you can merge it.



  • git
  • A text editor

Edit content

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Git clone the repository on your local machine.
  3. Open your favorite text editor.
  4. Add, edit or remove markdown files in the content/ folder.
  5. Commit the changes and push them to your the remote repository you forked.
  6. Open a pull request explaining what are the changes.
  7. Once it is approved, you can merge it.

Run the wiki on my machine


  1. Run hugo server -D in the wiki/ folder.
  2. Open a new tab and go to http://localhost:1313/wiki/